iPhone 5S vs Galaxy S5: New iPhones Lead In UK, But GS5 Snatching Ex-Apple Loyalists

Samsung Galaxy S5.

The latest Samsung flagship, the Galaxy S5, trails behind Apple's 2013 flagship, the iPhone 5S, and its plastic, colorful companion, the 5C, in the UK — but are Apple loyalists in the country switching sides?
GSMArena reports that 26 percent of iPhone users in Britain have decided to buy a Galaxy S5 — which was a significant jump from the 12 percent new adoption rate from 2013. However, this figure wasn't as high elsewhere, as the rest of Europe featured a 17 percent rate, while only eight percent switched in the U.S.
Although the GS5 is clearly recruiting some ex-iPhone owners too anxious to wait for the larger-screened iPhone 6 models, it still sits third in market share in the UK (nine percent). The iPhone 5c (11.1 percent) and iPhone 5S (11 percent) were first and second, respectively.
The sixth-generation Apple smartphone, meanwhile, is being tied to a September release date, which eports are now suggesting will be Friday the 19th.
Key alleged features have also been revealed in recent leaks, including a 128GB memory option for the "phablet" 5.5-inch iPhone 6. A Chinese report added, however, that both smartphone models would skip the 16GB option and start at 32GB and 64GB options instead.
The larger iPhone will also apparently feature a better camera than the 4.7-inch model thanks to the addition of optical image stabilization, which improves photo quality in low light conditions.
Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported that the iPhone 6 will enter mass production in July, according to sources familiar with Apple's plans.
The publication reports that the next Apple smartphones will likely ship to retailers around the same time in September, suggesting that the devices will release together and not staggered, as previously rumored.
Specs rumors for the iPhone 6 include an Apple A8, Near Field Communication (NFC) for mobile payments, Touch ID and an improved camera. The devices have also leaked with what appear to becurved screens.
iPhone 5S vs Galaxy S5: New iPhones Lead In UK, But GS5 Snatching Ex-Apple Loyalists iPhone 5S vs Galaxy S5: New iPhones Lead In UK, But GS5 Snatching Ex-Apple Loyalists Reviewed by Anonymous on July 03, 2014 Rating: 5

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