Leaked Photo Shows Moto X+1 with a Case, Or Not

Moto X+1 Case

We have a couple of big Android device releases waiting for us in the second half of the year. Besides Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 and an alleged HTC Nexus 8 tablet, the successor of the Moto X is one of the most anticipated devices. Called Moto X+1, the smartphone has been subject of gossip over the last few weeks.
A new leaked photo of the Moto X+1 has surfaced online courtesy of @evleaks, our favorite leaker with an almost straight record when it comes to reporting about unannounced smartphones and tablets. This time we’re looking at a leaked photo of a Moto X+1 with a case on it.
It’s nothing special about the design of the alleged Moto X+1, but there are some other things that caught our attention. First of all it’s the status and nav bars. Yes, that’s right, they are not translucent, while that KitKat background has been mostly used for Google Play Experience smartphones.
Another odd thing about the smartphone is that it doesn’t feature an flash. Of course, unless that ring around the camera is the flash. No, of course it’s not, don’t even dare to dream about it. Furthermore, it doesn’t have an user-facing shooter. Because the Moto X+1 will be Motorola’s flagship for 2014 it wouldn’t possibly miss this feature.
Are you thinking at what I’m thinking? Yes, the picture might simple be a fake. It looks more like a Moto E with a case on it, rather than a smartphone aimed for the high-end segment.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to verify the veracity of the photo, therefore we’re advising you to take it with a pinch of salt. Who knows who sent this in to Evleaks and what where his/hers intentions.
Leaked Photo Shows Moto X+1 with a Case, Or Not Leaked Photo Shows Moto X+1 with a Case, Or Not Reviewed by Anonymous on June 25, 2014 Rating: 5

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