Kindle Fire HDX Amazon Deal: Up to $50 Off

Kindle Fire HDX

If you were looking to purchase a new tablet, then you might want to consider getting a Kindle. Amazon is running a nice deal for their own tablets, so you will be able to save some money. In fact, Amazon has cut off the price to all their Kindle Fire tablets, but the Fire HDX is the one that got the biggest discount: up to $50 off.
The Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 has received a discount of $40, therefore the cheapest model is now priced at $399 from $379, while the WiFi + LTE 64 GB model costs $539 from $579.
The Kindle Fire HDX 16 GB WiFi-only price was sliced to $199 from $299, but if you purchase the 64 GB WiFi-only model you will get a discount of $50: from $309 to $259.
The Amazon Deal also applies for the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD as follows: the 8 GB received a discount of $20 from $139 to $119, while the 16 GB GB variant costs only $129 from $169 after a $40 discount.
All three tablets are currently listed as “in stock” on Amazon’s website, but we advise you to make a purchase right now in order to take advantage of the Amazon deal. No one can know for sure for how long the deal will be live or how big the retailer’s stocks are.
You can purchase any of the three Kindle Fire tablets at a discounted price using the links below:
Kindle Fire HDX Amazon Deal: Up to $50 Off Kindle Fire HDX Amazon Deal: Up to $50 Off Reviewed by Anonymous on July 10, 2014 Rating: 5

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