HTC updates HTC Gallery app to enhance UFocus blur function, other tweaks

HTC has updated their HTC Gallery app to add user adjustability for the UFocus Blur effect. Owners of the HTC One (M8) with HTC’s new Duo Camera know they can just tap on an image to change the focal point. By changing that focal point, the rest of the image is blurred to create a bokeh effect. The new feature adds a slider so that users can customize not only the location of the focal point, but the level of blur that is applied to the rest of the image. Users can now increase the level of blur even more than what the HTC thinks the default should be or decrease it so no additional digital blur is added.
If you have a device with HTC’s Sense 6 interface, the new Gallery update also adds the ability to access the Dimension Plus effect which lets users slightly adjust the angle from which the photo was taken. Several of these images can be stitched together to create a pseudo-3D animation. HTC has also added access to the Pan 360 function, their version of PhotoSphere images. Of course, there are some bug fixes and other unspecified “improvements” included as well.
If you have an HTC One (M8) or an HTC device with Sense 6, hit one of the download links below to grab the updated Gallery app from Google Play.

HTC updates HTC Gallery app to enhance UFocus blur function, other tweaks HTC updates HTC Gallery app to enhance UFocus blur function, other tweaks Reviewed by Anonymous on June 09, 2014 Rating: 5

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