Picture of Moto 360 appear in Google development post, appears to be massive

Moto 360
Well, well, well, look what we have here…
Google posted an article titled “An Android Wear Development Story” on its Android developers blog. It has some interesting stuff, but the photo above of the Moto 360 prototype particularly stuck out.
The thing looks absolutely massive. It’s monstrous.
So what we can discern here is that the Moto 360 (prototype)  is pretty damn big, following suit with the massively-sized smartphone screen size trend that’s been going on for quite a while now.
It’s not exactly a problem for me, but a lot of people will argue that there’s no point in having a smartwatch with a massive, obnoxious screen — you might as well pull your phone out of your pocket at that point.
Only time will tell if the prototype ends up looking like what the above picture seems to be, but our guess is that it will. It’s just too hard to change up the whole form factor before release, which is now just a few short months away.
Stay tuned, though, as more will definitely (officially and unofficially) leak regarding this device before it’s release.
Picture of Moto 360 appear in Google development post, appears to be massive Picture of Moto 360 appear in Google development post, appears to be massive Reviewed by Anonymous on June 09, 2014 Rating: 5

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